Good News in Digital Age

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why do the churches "'just don't get it"

Here's a question: why churches 'just don't get it' - i.e. web evangelism.

Here is an interesting opinion on this regard. Since it has been taken from the closed forum, I am purposly ommitting the author's name.
I don't think the average church in the West is interested in reaching the lost, period. They are more interested in maintaining the institution.

The average Western church is said to spend between 80 and 95 percent of their annual revenue on paid staff, building-related expenses, and inward-reaching programs and only 5 to 20 percent of annual revenue on outreach and missions. I'll admit that I have not done the research myself - I am relying on statistics I have seen quoted in Christian Smith's book Going To The Root: Nine Proposals for Radical Renewal and at least one other study which I can't identify off the top of my head.

A few years ago, I did take a look at the budget of the church in which our family participated (a church with a very strong history of missions commitment) and confirmed that about 85 percent of their budget was, in fact, spent on paid staff, building-related expenses, and inward-reaching programs.

If that statistic is true of most Western churches, and if we accept these two assumptions about Matthew 6:20-21 ("where your treasure is, there will your heart be also"):

1) the passage applies not only to individuals but also to organizations; and,
2) the truth of the passage reinforces itself in the hearts of individuals and organizations (i.e., the more we place our treasure in something, the more our heart becomes attached to that something),then we can easily "prove" that the typical Western church is not interested in reaching the lost (because it invests its funds, not in reaching the lost).

If it's true that the typical Western church is not interested in reaching the lost, then neither will it be interested in web evangelism.

Sad, but might be not far from the reality, and not only in the USA.


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